first week of class in Paris has been both terrifying, and at times, fun :P
are intense - I’ve already been assigned 3 oral presentations and 5
dissertations, and I still have one class to go to for the first time tomorrow,
so I might have even more work! :( I’m finding this semester to be a lot harder
to understand already. The first semester, I was just typing everything that
the professors said like the rest of the French students, but since the
professors knew that that was the case, they spoke much more slowly. But here
in Paris, the classes are not complete dictation, but rather lectures, and so,
they speak much more quickly :S And I’m not looking forward to my oral
presentations since they will all be in French, and that means I’m going to
have to learn to speak about topics I don’t know about, all in French for 10-15
minutes at a time!! AH!
needless to say, I’m feeling a bit stressed out! Especially since I wanted to
travel more this semester, but I’m not sure how likely that will be anymore :(
on a happier note, Happy Chinese New Year! :) This week, I celebrated the
actual day with a few other students from Sciences Po, and we ended up going to
the big parade that started in front of the City Hall on Saturday together -
that was a ton of fun! We ended up spontaneously joining the parade, and even
though at times, we probably stood out as not supposed to being there, it was a
ton of fun :P
it’s off to preparing for my classes this week! Wish me luck and enjoy the
pictures :)
just a glimpse of my daily bus ride to class :) |
blurry picture from my ipod - but part of an event earlier in the day by Karl Lagerfield (very famous fashion designer). you can see it in one of the pictures on this website! :) |
event/debate/lecture/thing at sciences po with many important people, including the director of 'le monde' and the director of bnp paribas |
lotsss of old people here for the debate |
there was a protest kind of thing by these women whose organisation is called 'the beard' - protesting the fact that there are mostly men in government and important positions |
inside a church by my university :) |
chinese new year parade going by the centre pompidou - museum of modern art |
so many people out to watch it! |
bubble tea!!! first time having it since leaving seattle!! |
not as good as seattle, but it'll do :) |
beginning of the parade, in front of the city hall |
why are there no asians in the crowd, you ask?! probably cause they're all in the parade... hence the need to join the parade :P |
success! now integrated into the parade :P |
our rogue group of paraders :) |
we got a lot of those looks.. |
i'm in a parade! |
truck of girls throwing confetti and hongbao/red envelopes to the crowd :) (too bad there was only 20 euro cents in each) |
firecrackers everywhere! :D my first time seeing them! |
5 Dissertations!? That's insane; know you can do it, though!