
A Temporary Cure for Senioritis..

This week has been brutal. My acute senioritis is worse than ever before, meaning lots and lots of procrastination. Some professors are just not that great at teaching, making me not excited to do the work. At the same time, I just signed up for the LSAT in June. Andd I'm working more than 20 hours a week at the same time. Wheeee...

So despite the amount of work I had to do, going out with friends yesterday was awesome. Definitely needed to unwind!


A dash of nostalgia

My guest for the weekend, Jamie, has left me to go back to California! :( On her last day, I took her on a whirlwind tour of random Seattle sites - Gasworks Park, Fremont Troll, Kerry Park, Bruce Lee's grave, the gum wall, Pike Place, etc. I had a lot of fun with her, and I hope she had a good time! I hope she comes back, because the fog this weekend tried hard to keep her (or anyone) from seeing...anything. But overall, it was so good to see her again after so long and to reminisce over our adventures together in Europe. Like...

- trying to get past the English/Italian language barrier in Rome by pronouncing 'McDonald's' a dozen different ways to Italian security guards to find our way
- escaping a crazy couchsurfing host in Rome who almost made us cry, definitely left us hungry, and probably almost abandoned us to sleep on the streets
- walking through the dream that Florence was with gelato in one hand and pizza in the other
- waking up at dawn just to climb St. Peter's Basilica before everyone else
- randomly wandering into a line at Notre Dame to kiss the Crown of Thorns
- standing in a crowd of very conservative, anti-immigration people just to catch a glimpse of Sarkozy and to shake his hand
- marveling at the feet of Michelangelo's David for about an hour
- food, food, food - hot chocolate, macarons, salads, crêpes, ice cream, gelato, pizza, thai food, french onion soup, pasta, bruschetta, etc.
What a great weekend :) Here's to more adventures together, hopefully very soon!

Winter wonderland

On Saturday, Jamie and I woke up pretty early to catch the bus at my church to Happy Trails Horse Adventure, where we spent the day with middle schoolers and other counselors sledding and having snowball fights. It was a ton of fun - very cold, but very fun! A big highlight of the day was sledding down on a huge innertube with four to five other people! Pretty awesome. All-you-can-eat Korean barbecue afterwards was also another highlight! 

After breakfast at Portage Bay on Sunday, I took Jamie on a tour of UW. Taking people on tours around campus always makes me feel really blessed to be where I am. Always being in a hurry walking to class or studying leaves me taking it all for granted, so I'm always thankful for moments like these, where I can just appreciate the beauty and the opportunities I have. 

In other news, my LSAT study books have arrived. Goodbyeee, free time...


Fog, cupcakes, and hot dogs

Today my friend, Jamie, arrived in Seattle! We studied together in Paris and had lots of adventures together there, as well as in Italy and at Disneyland Paris! We had so many good times together, and I'm super excited that she's here! My attempt to show her around Seattle kind of failed because of this miserable fog. It meant that we couldn't see anything if we went to Gasworks or Kerry Park. Andddd...we couldn't even see the Space Needle while driving down I-5. But it's okay, because we accomplished two things - eating Seattle-style hot dogs and eating Seattle's best cupcakes! 

I'm not a huge sweets person, so I think I have fulfilled my sweets quota for...the next month. 


New beginnings

It's a new year! (Well, it has been for the last...17 days). I may not be abroad anymore, but reading one of my friend's blogs, I was inspired to start blogging again. I don't even know if anyone even looks at this anymore, but this is for me to put my thoughts down, to have my own personal non-pinterest pinterest or non-tumblr tumblr, or just to do whatever I want. 

It's a new beginning for my blog! How exciting :) 
