
test of faith? or just karma..

just when everything seemed to be getting better, it all went crashing down again. sigh. i lost my wallet which had everything in there. i really, really hope that whoever finds it will be nice enough to return it. i mean, i've done that before.. so hopefully i've stored up some amount of karma to deserve it back? (or maybe that's just wishful thinking :( ) my mom says that maybe this means i should go back to church. i'm not exactly sure how that relates. but it has been a long time since i've gone back. and maybe i should start going again. i grew up going to church, and right after coming to college, i just stopped. i can't believe it's been more than two years that i stopped going to church regularly. how do you just drop something that you had your entire life? maybe it is time to go back. maybe this is a test.



reality check

I'm always trying to convince my parents and my siblings that I can take care of myself, that i am responsible enough, and that I know what I'm doing. This past year has really made me realize how wrong I am about myself. I still have so much growing up to do and so much learning to do. It's time to grow up and take responsibility for myself. 
